Where Does My Money Go?
Where Does My Money Go? is a satellite app running off the OpenSpending API. We are working on a 2016 rethink / refactor of Where Does My Money Go?.
Stay tuned.
Contributing code
Found a bug? Got neat way to refactor an existing code path? Bursting with ideas to make OpenSpending more awesome?
We can't wait to see your contributions. Here are a few things that will help:
- All open issues for the Packager can be found here, labeled "Packager". If you are working on an existing issue, please let us know by commenting on an issue. Likewise, if you are working on something new, open an issue to let us know.
- We follow a set of coding standards, and we have simple examples of those coding standards implemented for Python and Javascript. Please do read before starting.
If anything is unclear, or you just want to talk with other people working on OpenSpending, then catch us on Gitter.im.